2018 Q4 Archives
Saved in Christ, we're also called to be His holy people who are set apart to shine for His glory.
July/Aug 2018
Our Christmas Eve worship looks into the day the Savior of the world stepped down to give us life
December 24, 2017
Jesus transforms our tongues to be fruitful to His glory in edification, thanksgiving and praise.
November 2017
Walking in the Spirit to live out practical godliness for which Christ has set us free
Sept.-Oct. 2017
Let's look into what it means to live an abundant life of repentance.
August 27, 2017
Our brother Ming Chen delivers a great sermon on how to be fishers of men by the power of Christ
August 20, 2017
How to truly know, live, love and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
July-August 2017
We celebrate Family Month by looking into God's way for our homes to be fruitful to His glory
May-June 2017
What it means to be fruitful as God expects and creates in us through life in Christ, the true vine.
March-April 2017
What it means to be palm wavers and cross bearers as we praise our Lord who gave His life for us.
Palm Sunday, 2017
How we live daily, durable lives of passionate and practical thanks to Christ.
February 2017
Jesus calls us to abide in Him to be fruitful to the Father's glory. Let's unpack that.
January 2017
Building out lives on true and regular praise of God, especially for sending the Son in our Christmas message The God Who Came to Us
December 2016
How we live daily, durable lives of passionate and practical
thanks to Christ.
November 2016
Living holistic, emotionally healthy lives in the Spirit.
October 2016
Let's grow to more fully reflect the freedom of the Spirit in our worship
August & September 2016
Christ has not only saved us but sets us free to live no longer as slaves
July 2016
Coming to terms with our place in God's family
May & June 2016
What it looks like to walk, abide and live anointed in the Spirit
April 2016
Dying to our own agendas to take up the mission for which Christ has redeemed us
February & March 2016
What it means to be truly, finally free in Christ's redemption from sin, Satan, and self.
January 2016

Growing in our daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ
[money, marriage, and much more]
Weekly we explore the major themes in this topical and expository series

Jesus says we'll be known as His people by our love. What does y live of love look like?
June & July 2015

In a culture increasingly confused on these issues, we look into God's design for our gender, our marriages, and our families
May & June 2015
Special topics
2019 Labor Day Conference
"One Spirit to Exalt Christ, One Course to Expand His Kingdom” - the theme for this year’s SVCA 25th Anniversary
Sept 2019
2018 Labor Day Conference
"One Spirit to Exalt Christ, One Course to Expand His Kingdom” - the theme for this year’s SVCA 25th Anniversary
Sept 2018
Bringing Jesus into your neighborhood is a lifestyle. This very practical workshop helps us all get over our excuses for not sharing the gospel! Click for easy to use PDF
September 2017

An adult evening discussion on the plague of porn on our churches, families, culture, and world
October 2016

How God's word leads us to love, reach, and answer the same-sex attracted
August 2016