Series: As always, so now also Christ will be Glorified
Series: Faith in Action!
Discerning the Times
1. Discerning the Times: Ezekiel’s and Our’s
2. Discerning Our Role: Before and After the Temple is destroyed
3. Joining the flow: Bring others along
Pastor John Tuggy
June 27
Spiritual Warfare and Your Family
1. Realize you are engaged in a spiritual battle
2. Recognize the schemes of the devil
3. Remember the lie of the enemy
4. You must be prepared
5. Know that Jesus is victorious
Johnson Chiu
June 13
A True Friend
1. We were made for connections
2. We have friends to keep us grounded and connected
3. We are called to be a true friend to others
4. Jesus is the ultimate friend
Johnson Chiu
June 6
The Goal of Marriage
1. The glory of a wife’s submission for her husband
2. The glory of a husband’s love for his wife
3. The sanctifying work in marriage
4. The mystery of two becoming one flesh
5. Love and respect in working toward the goal of marriage
Johnson Chiu
May 30
What Happens When Marriage is No Longer Fun?
1. We honor the God of the covenant
2. We honor the people of God
3. We honor our spouse
4. We reject divorce and remain faithful
Johnson Chiu
May 23
What’s Wrong with Living Together?
1. You dishonor God
2. You dishonor yourself
3. You dishonor others
4. You dishonor your family
Johnson Chiu
May 16
Living Without Partiality
1. Favoritism reveals evil motives and misunderstanding of God
2. God chooses the poor to be eternally rich
3. Love cannot be used as an excuse to overlook others
4. Abusing the poor is a big deal
Johnson Chiu
May 2
Be a Doer of the Word of God
1. Be careful to filter what influences your thinking and actions
2. Prove your faith is genuine by being a doer of the Word
3. Looking into the Word reveals truths but acting on the Word of God lead to blessing
4. A doer of the Word of God will pass these three tests
Johnson Chiu
April 25
True Faith Under Fire
1. The test of faith during difficult times
2. The test of faith when you do not know what to do
3. The test of faith when facing trials
4. The test of faith when you succeed
Johnson Chiu
April 18
Scattered Christianity
1. A “scattered church” is the will of God
2. A “scattered church” needs to know it is not running away but rather, running toward her calling
3. A “scattered church” needs encouragement to live and give glory to God in a hostile environment
Johnson Chiu
April 11
Adjusting to the New Normal, Part 2
1. Acknowledge the past: Jesus has guarded us and kept us safe
2. Recognizing the present: Jesus needed to go back to the Father
3. Embracing the future: Jesus will complete His work in us
Johnson Chiu
March 21
The Testimony of a Truly Alive Person!
1. The secret to contentment is found in understanding true significance and value
2. The secret to having all your needs met is in discovering the source of the supply
3. Grace, kindness and blessing change us so we can pass it on to others
Johnson Chiu
March 14
Learning to Live Anxiety-Free
1. Be careful where you place your focus
2. Let prayer be your first response
3. Peace comes as God guards your heart
4. Keeping the peace means thinking about the right things
5. Emulate those living out the peace of God
Johnson Chiu
February 28
Learning to Live in Harmony
1. If possible, keep the spirit of unity
2. Disagreements may come but we must be careful not to be disagreeable
3. Rejoice and focus back on Jesus and the richness we have in Christ
4. Focus back on the task at hand because time is short
Johnson Chiu
February 21
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!
1. Press on because there is much more in Christ
2. Do not be held back by the past but strive for more in Christ
3. Christianity is a team sport so value your team
4. Watch out for enemies of Christ who attempt to distract you
5. Focus on the goal and your ultimate destination in Christ
Johnson Chiu
February 14
Gaining the Best, Giving up the Rest!
1. A timely review of what is best!
2. Watch out for false teachers!
3. Paul’s resume in the flesh
4. Counting everything in flesh as garbage
5. Pursuing Christ – pursuing the best!
Johnson Chiu
February 7
God’s Glory in and Through You
1. Work out your salvation! That is, put into action what Christ won for you
2. If you want to glorify God, what are you not to do?
3. If you want to glorify God, what are you to do?
4. Glorify God today and for the future
5. Glorify God by following the example of sacrificial service
Johnson Chiu
January 31
Descending into Glory
1. Reorient your thoughts to experience unity of mind
2. Let humility guide you to achieve unity
3. Follow the example of Jesus Christ to humble yourself
4. Christ’s humility was a lifelong disposition from birth until death
5. Follow Christ in the path of humility that leads to exaltation and glory
Johnson Chiu
January 24
Proclaiming Christ, Whatever the Cost
1. We need to be fully convinced that Christ is worth proclaiming
2. We need to value the verbal proclamation of Christ
3. We need to decide to magnify Christ in life and in death
4. Invite others to count the cost when following Christ
Johnson Chiu
January 17
Growing Together in Christ
1. We are in this together! (Philippians 1:1-2)
2. Be thankful how God works in others. (Philippians 1:3-5)
3. Look beyond your spiritual birth to your entire spiritual life
4. A Sorely Needed End-Times Prayer
Johnson Chiu
January 10
As always, so now also Christ will be Glorified
1. As you look forward into 2021, be certain you will not be ashamed before God
2. Though limited, have godly hope that you may be full of courage
3. You must consciously make a choice to glorify God at all times, especially now in the body
Johnson Chiu
January 3