Series: Book of John
The Lord is My Strength and Song
1. Know that God is Good and His Mercy is forever
2. Know that He hears us when we call and is ever with us
3. Know that He alone is our salvation
4. Build our lives in 2024 on a firm foundation
William Liao
December 31
Unto You, Hope is Born
1. God’s Promise of Hope
2. God’s Promise to be Fulfilled
3. God’s Promises Fulfilled
Kevin Branstetter
December 24
Living a Life of Praise
1. Praise Requires Surrender
2. Praise Brings Synergy
3. Praise Produces Life
Kevin Branstetter/Josephine Chang
December 10
Breaking Through by Giving Thanks
Psalm 50:23
2 Corinthians 2:14
Pastor Nancy/David Yu/Rose Miao
November 26
1. Are you a thankful person?
2. Turn every complaint into a thanksgiving
3. Develop a heart of gratitude
4. Give thanks in all circumstances
5. let there be thanksgiving
Aaron Yu/Stephen Ni
November 19
All The Way to Calvary
1. All the way to Calvary Jesus went for me
2. Help me, Lord, to go with Thee, All the way to Calvary
William Liao
November 12
Obedient Son
1. The innocent Son
2. The Faithful Son
3. How shall we respond
Chinh Vu
November 5
Jesus’ Prayer for His People
1. Glorifying God
2. Glorifying Christ
3. Believers Bring Unity in the World
Kevin Branstetter
October 29
The Overcoming Life
1. Flourishing in a dark world
2. Nourished & protected by the Holy Spirit
3. Enjoying eternal life now
Chinh Vu
October 22
I am the True Vine – Abide in Me
1. I am the True Vine
2. Abide in Me
3. Keep My commandments and you will abide in My love
William Liao
October 15
Show Us !
John 14
1. Our needing to see, to have proof, and our inability to trust and believe in the unseen.
2. Difference between living in the flesh and in the Spirit
Jason Wu
October 8
Heavenly Love Changes the World
1. True Love is Service
2. True Love Starts at Home
3. Peter’s Imperfection
Kevin Branstetter
October 1
Be Children of Light
1. Become Children of Light
2. The Children of Light Serve
3. The Children of Light Believe
Kevin Branstetter
September 17
I am the Resurrection and the Life
1. How much do we really know Jesus?
2. Jesus wants us to know Him more and more
3. If you would believe (in Him) you would see the glory of God
William Liao
September 10
Holiness Unto The Lord
1. God is Holy and He is the One who makes us holy
2. Being united (in accord) with the holy life of Christ
3. Experiencing the sanctification work of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Yu, William Liao, Aaron Yu, Stephen Ni
August 27
Death and Taxes
1. John11
2. Psalm 49
Jason Wu
August 20
John 10: The Good Shepherd
1. Thieves and Robbers
2. The Good Shepherd
3. The Messiah’s Identity
Kevin Branstetter
August 13
I Was Blind but Now I See
1. We are like the man who was made to see
2. A miracle that became a sign for all to see
3. Made into an irrefutable witness
4. A greater seeing
William Liao
August 6
Tomorrow will be better than today !?!
1. Everyone dreams and hopes that "tomorrow will be better than today!"
2. Is the future really under my control? Will it really get better?
3. The living hope and glorious future that can only be, and must be, in Christ
Pastor Yu
July 30
I am the Light of the World
1. Jesus Said, “I am the Light of the World”
2. For those who would not believe
a. You are deceived
b. You will remain a slave to Sin
3. For those who believe
a. You will know that “I AM [He]”
b. You shall know the truth and be set free from Sin
William Liao
July 23
Mercy Triumphs Over Judgement
1. Do Justly
2. Love Mercy
3. Walk Humbly with your God
William Liao
July 16
Blessed to be the blessings
1. Genesis 12: 1-3
2. Dig Wells
3. Don't fill Wells
4. Expect the Well-fillers
John Tuggy
July 9
Be anxious for nothing. Is it possible?
1. Worrying in itself does not solve anything
2. Trusting in the keeping of our Heavenly Father - there is nothing to fear
3. Learn to come before the Lord and cast off all your burdens
Pastor Hongjie Yu
July 2