Dear Brothers, Sisters and Friends
Thank the Lord! This year’s SVCA Labor Day Conference (LDC) will be held in person in the church from September 1st to 3rd. There will be live video streaming online for all the combined, Chinese, and English meetings. LDC has been an important and much-anticipated spiritual feast every year. In this year’s conference, let us pray, with a deeper longing and a greater expectation, for the Lord to do a new thing for this generation, for our lives, and for His church!
Continuing the theme from last year -- “Transformation and Breakthrough”, this year’s theme is “Come, Let Us Rise and Build Together!” The theme verse is “Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God!” (Psalm 87:3) Through this theme and this year’s conference, we hope we will all seek and experience “Transformation and Breakthrough”, not only for ourselves, but also for the breakthrough and revival of the whole church. This is also a glorious inspiration and calling that God gave us in this generation. When we rise and build in one spirit and one mind, He will lead us to experience broader and deeper “transformations and breakthroughs”. Let’s pray that in this conference, we will all be moved by God’s Word and God’s Spirit, and we will all respond with: “Come, Let Us Rise and Build Together!”
Combine sessions
2023 LDC Session 1
"Build in One Accord and be revived together"
Pastor Hongjie Yu
Sept 1
2023 LDC Session 3
"True Building will bring true revival"
Pastor HongJie Yu
Sept 3
2023 LDC Session 2
"Nehemiah 1-3"
Pastor Ernest Waldvogel
Sept 2
2023 LDC Session 4
"Nehemiah 4-6"
Pastor Ernest Waldvogel
Sept 3
English sessions
2023 LDC Session 1
Pastor Ernest Waldvogel
Sept 2
2023 LDC Workshop1
"Take care how you build"
Pastor Tim Waldvogel
Sept 2
2023 LDC Session 2
Pastor Ernest Waldvogel
Sept 2
2023 LDC Workshop2
"Loving What God Loves"
Dr. David Bales
Sept 3