Series: New Man Discipleship
The Church in the Expanding Kingdom of God
1. The Great Commission details what we are to do
2. The promise of the Holy Spirit empowers us to be His witnesses
3. The Great Commandment prioritizes our hearts as we serve
4. The church needs to obey and remain outward focused
Pastor Johnson Chiu
June 26
Living a Bodily Life
1. Why is living a Bodily (Church) life so important
a. What is the Church
b. It is uniquely loved by the Lord
c. It is a place of commanded blessings
2. Practical living of the Bodily life
a. Back to the beginning
b. We need Each other
William Liao
June 12
Understanding the Will of God
1. The heart of a follower of Jesus Christ is to do His will
2. God has a definite plan and purpose for your life
3. God reveals His will to his people
4. What is needed for us to comprehend and receive the will of God?
Pastor Johnson Chiu
June 5
Building a Stable Spiritual Walk
1. Why Should we have a Spiritual Walk
a. Deeper spirituality helps us live more abundantly
b. Deeper spirituality helps us grow closer to God
c. Deeper spirituality helps us serve more powerfully
2. How to Build a Spiritual Walk
a. Seek heavenly things in your life
b. Seek spiritual habits
c. Seek spiritual companions
Kevin Branstetter
May 29
Someone Has Got to Die
1. An old story of reconciliation
2. At the heart of God is Reconciliation
3. We’ve been given the ministry of reconciliation
4. Reconciliation begins from the inside out
5. If there is going to be reconciliation, someone is going to have to die
William Liao
May 22
Jesus Christ First
1. Jesus Christ needs to be recognized as the victorious, risen Lord
2. Watch out for the flesh, the world, and the devil
3. Allow Jesus Christ to be first in your life
Pastor Johnson Chiu
May 15
The Manifestation of Christ - Christ be Magnified in Me
1. Chosen by God as an instrument to Magnify Christ
2. Not I but Christ - Of Him, By Him, and Through Him
3. God can do far more through us than we can possibly imagine
William Liao
May 1
The Manifestation of Christ - Being witnesses of the Word Become Flesh
1. We are restored to our original design in creation when are renewed in Christ
2. We are renewed in Christ so we can bring glory to God
3. We bring glory to God by living out Christ
4. Bigger than a Temple
Pastor Johnson Chiu
April 24
A Different King for a Different Kingdom
1. Greater than an Emperor
2. Greater than the World
3. Bigger than a Castle
4. Bigger than a Temple
Kevin Branstetter
April 10
Hope for Dark Days
1. How have you experienced darkness in the last two years?
2. God tells us what is wrong with the world
3. God has taken care of the key problem in life
4. How can we be saved?
Pastor Johnson Chiu
April 3
The New Life – The Substitution of Christ (2)
1. The core of the Christian life - No Longer I but Christ
2. The offer of a Great Exchange
3. The enemy has deceived most of us (most of the time) from the exceeding worth of this great exchange
4. Need to understand the dreadfulness of the flesh
5. God begins the work of sanctification
William Liao
March 27
The Exchanged Life
1. Why is there conflict and frustration living the Christian life
2. Where is freedom to be found
3. Relinquishing control to gain Christ
Pastor Johnson Chiu
March 20
The Formation of Christ (2)
1. Why is the Formation of Christ so important
2. What the Formation of Christ is and is not
3. What hinders the Formation of Christ
4. What promotes the Formation of Christ
William Liao
March 13
The Formation of Christ
1. The battle for truth will determine your spiritual formation
2. You grow spiritually as you are formed into the image of Jesus
3. Spiritual formation sharpens your spiritual discernment
Pastor Johnson Chiu
Feb 27
The Indwelling Christ (2)
1. The importance of Christ in me
2. The Importance of abiding in Christ
3. God will never stop pursuing you
William Liao
Feb 20
The Indwelling Christ
1. Christ is now living and active in us!
2. Christ has become our everything!
3. Christ will always be with us!
Pastor Johnson Chiu
Feb 13
Proclaiming the Good News
1. What is the gospel?
2. Who shares the gospel?
3. How do I share the gospel?
4. What about the response to the gospel?
Pastor Johnson Chiu
Jan 30
Glorifying God through the Proclamation of the Gospel
1. God’s glory is our primary goal as followers of Christ
2. Evangelism brings glory to God as more people worship Him
3. The Apostle Paul emphasizes proclamation as the primary way to bring more glory to God
4. Called to the impossible task of giving life to the dead
Pastor Johnson Chiu
Jan 23
Boldly Glorifying God in 2022
1. How can you be bold for Christ
2. Our goal is to glorify God by living a life worthy of Christ
3. Be fully convinced, with one mind, so you do not waver in your commitment to Christ
4. Do not stop with the gift of salvation but pay the price of following Christ
Pastor Johnson Chiu
Jan 16
Glorifying God in 2022
1. Glorify God by rejoicing during difficulty
2. Glorify God by entrusting your future to Him
3. Glorify God by courageously intentionally honoring Christ
4. Glorify God by settling the issue of life and death
Pastor Yu and Pastor Johnson Chiu
Jan 9