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Series: Faith in Action! 

Series:  The City Set on a Hill

A Season of Gloom into an Eternity of Glory


1. God will provide light for those in darkness

2. God will bring joy to those who are oppressed

3. God’s answer is in the form of His Child-King who will rule forever

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Dec 26

Hold Fast to the End


1. Hold fast the hope through faith

2. Be ready to give a defense for the hope that is in you

3. Pass down the hope through generations

4. Hold fast to the end

Pastor Nancy Yu

Dec 19

Why God Had to Come to Earth


1. We were enslaved to the elementary principles of this world

2. When the time was right, God moved!

3. God’s purpose was to buy us back and adopt us as His children

4. Changes from slaves to sons!

5. So as sons, we are also heirs of God!

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Dec 12

Thankful in the Face of Darkness


1. What do you do when you see nothing to be thankful?

2. Choose to rejoice by finding joy in God

3. In God, find strength to triumph over difficulties

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Nov 28

Being thankful, even when there is hardship


1. Thankful godliness during hardship reveals Christ in us

2. Thankful godliness during hardship redirects our focus back to God

3. Godliness can bring forth thankfulness despite hardship

Kevin Branstetter

Nov 21

The Blindness of Ungratefulness


1. Acknowledge the good, unchanging nature of God

2. Thank God for what you have and do not compare with others

3. Remember God’s promises will be fulfilled

4. Remember the past but focus on the future

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Nov 14

One Necessary Thing


1. Welcoming Jesus into your home

2. Mary has chosen to sit and listen at Jesus’ feet

3. Martha has chosen to serve and be distracted

4. Busyness and the trappings of work

5. Jesus’ commendation of Mary prioritizes for us work and worship

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Oct 31

A Good Neighbor


1. The question we need to ask to get the answer we need to hear

2. The correct answer is only the beginning

3. Searching for a legal loophole is no help

4. A story that reveals how to “love our neighbor.”

5. The transformative nature of a true believer in Christ

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Oct 24

Jesus Style Evangelism


1. Workers are needed to go to the harvest

2. Go to your mission field with urgency

3. Give and receive hospitality with those you meet

4. How to deal with rejection

5. Rejoice and give thanks for God’s work

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Oct 17

Saving a Wandering Brother


1. How does a person wander from the truth?

2. Who is to bring back a wanderer?

3. What is at stake?

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Oct 10

The Power of Prayer


1. Prayer is always the proper response!

2. Praying for the sick among us

3. Prayer and confession are needed for complete healing

4. How God uses an ordinary man

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Sept 26

Patience in Suffering


1. Be patient when enduring injustice because the Lord is coming

2. Be patient and stop complaining

3. Remember God’s compassion and mercy in dealing with His servants

4. James 5:12

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Sept 19

Warnings to the Rich


1. Riches that corrupt

2. Misplaced and mis-timed treasure

3. Accusations toward rich and powerful oppressors

4. God hears the prayers of the oppressed

5. The rich fatten themselves for slaughter

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Sept 12

Foolish Driven Achievers


1. The foolish plans of driven achievers

2. The unknown number of our days and the brevity of life

3. The humble and the wise consider the Lord’s will

4. The arrogant boast as if they are in the place of God

5. Be humble and wise and do what you know you should

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Aug 29

Judging a Brother


1. When you judge, you end up doing the devil’s work

2. When you judge, you place yourself over the law, not under it

3. To stop judging, we need to look to the true Judge

4. When you judge, you destroy unity

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Aug 22

Drawing Near to God


1. Your first step back to God is submission

2. Resist the devil and rid yourself of demonic influences

3. Draw near to God and you will find God eager to draw near

4. Watch your life and stay singular in focus

5. Know the depth of your sin

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Aug 15

Understanding Quarrels and Fights


1. Arguments indicate a deeper struggle

2. Understand how passion drives you to sin

3. Why many of your prayers go unanswered

4. Spiritual adultery means fighting against God

5. God desires to give us grace and not judgment

Pastor Johnson Chiu

Aug 8

True Wisdom in Action


1. How do we define the good life ?

2. How do we defend the good life ?

3. How do we develop the good life ?

Pastor Johnson Chiu

July 25

True Faith Speaks with a Controlled Tongue


1. The problem of false teachers

2. Small things with big effects

3. The power of the tongue

4. Incompatibility of a corrupt tongue

Pastor Johnson Chiu

July 18

True Faith Must Act


1. Faith – Works = Dead

2. True faith must express itself in action

3. I must be convinced that faith without works is useless

4. Faith with works demonstrates a true faith

Pastor Johnson Chiu

July 11

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