Series: Jesus Christ Our High Priest
Series: Christ and the Coronavirus
When You Stand Before Human Rulers
1. Good works can be misunderstood but follow Jesus anyway
2. Persecution is an opportunity with a spotlight
3. When you speak, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit
4. Expect opposition not approval for following Jesus
5. Rather than live in fear, pray for boldness to live by faith
Johnson Chiu
June 28
God’s Supermen
1. Men are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26a)
2. Men and women are given the responsibility to govern over creation
3. God is looking for a man to stand in the gap
4. Men are invited to be spiritual fathers
5. We are to honor our fathers
Johnson Chiu
June 21
The Holy Spirit and Compassionate Healing
1. Ministry opportunities present themselves as you go about life
2. Ministry begins when you can relate to others face to face
3. You are fully equipped for ministry in the Lord
4. Ministry can lead to miracles when we allow God to work through us
5. When miracles happen be sure to give glory to God!
Johnson Chiu
June 14
The Holy Spirit and Community Transformation
1. Continue in what Jesus commanded as you build yourself up in the Lord
2. Godly works inspire people to turn to God
3. Value people and use things, never vice versa
4. Large and small gatherings help us to receive and give
5. Be holy conduits of His Spirit
Johnson Chiu
June 7
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
1. The disciples gather in anticipation of the promised Holy Spirit
2.The coming of the Holy Spirit gives rise to the birth of the church
3. Empowered by the Spirit, each believer now speaks in foreign languages
4. Peter’s sermon demonstrating Jesus Christ as the Messiah
5. The response and result of Peter’s sermon
Johnson Chiu
May 31
Jesus Returns to Heaven
1. Jesus takes His place as King of Kings and Lord of Lords
2. Jesus begins His High Priestly duties in interceding on our behalf
3. Jesus' ascension leads to coming of the Holy Spirit
4. Jesus passes the ministry to His disciples
5. Jesus goes to Heaven to prepare our heavenly home
Johnson Chiu
May 24
The Greatest Commission in the Age of Social Distancing
1. Huddle together for the Greatest Commission ever
2. Jesus uses His authority to send His church
3. Jesus gives us His prime directive – to make disciples
4. Jesus Himself supplies the power for the work ahead
Johnson Chiu
May 17
God’s Superwomen
1. She brings respect to her husband
2. She is clothed in the highest quality
3. She is not afraid of the future
4. She is generous with things and words
5. She is a woman of valor and worthy to be praised!
Johnson Chiu
May 10
Forgiveness and Restoration
1. In order for your Christian service to be fruitful, you must have Jesus!
2. Jesus provides what is needed, exactly when we need it
3. Jesus brings us back to what is painful and redeems it for His own good
4. When we mature in Christ, we do not do what we want, we follow Jesus
Johnson Chiu
May 3
Dealing With Our Doubts
1. Why We Doubt?
2. Thomas’ criterion for belief
3. How can we turn doubt to belief?
4. Applying Faith to the Coronavirus
Johnson Chiu
April 26
Living New
1. Jesus changes our disappointing expectations to align with His glorious reality
2. Jesus knows our spiritual blindness and reveals His spiritual light
3. Jesus changes our troubled hearts into hearts that “burn” with hope and joy!
4. Jesus communes with us and gives us the privilege of sharing His sacrifice of love
Johnson Chiu
April 19
Jesus is the Cure
1. Jesus predicted His own death and resurrection
2. Jesus' resurrection demonstrates His victory over death
3. Jesus' resurrection makes it possible for us to be free of sin and death
4. Jesus was cursed by God for us
5. Jesus is the cure
Johnson Chiu
Don't Waste the Coronavirus
Question #1: What is your general reaction to bad news?
Question #2: What were the Israelites to do when they encountered problems?
Question #3: What does God promise to do?
Question #4: How severe is sin’s effect on our prayers?
Johnson Chiu
April 5
Two Year Lockdown
1. When you are in lockdown for two years, you can still find ways to serve and glorify God
2. Spend time doing what you can and stop obsessing about what you cannot
3. Learn Paul’s secret of contentment under any circumstance
4. Paul released at last
Johnson Chiu
March 29
Adjusting to a New Normal
1. Do you believe?
2. Scattered, homebound, and scared but not alone
3. God remains close with you
4. The peace of God is for you
Johnson Chiu
March 22
Eat and Drink in a Worthy Manner
1. To grow and deepen my spiritual life with God
2. God Communes with His People through the Body of Christ
3. God communes with His people at the Lord’s Table
4. The formative practice of Communion
Nancy Yu
March 08
Jesus Christ, Our Once-for-All Sacrifice
1. The Old Covenant and the Sacrificial System
2. The New Covenant and Jesus
3. What now? How do we respond?
Johnson Chiu
Feb 23
Transformation through Remembrance
1. A Transformative Journey
Luke 24:13-35
2. God Communes with His People through Remembrance
1 Cor. 11:24-25
Nancy Yu
William Liao
Jack Hsu
Feb 16
Jesus Christ, Our Superior High Priest
1. Melchizedek is greater than Abraham
2. Melchizedek is greater than Levi
3. The Levitical priesthood is faulty
4. The Melchizedek priesthood is superior
5. Jesus’ Priesthood is superior
Johnson Chiu
Jan 26
Union with Christ through Communion
1. the goal is to grow and deepen my spiritual life with God
2. The Nature of the Bread from Heaven
3. To Eat and Drink
4. From Union to Transformation
Nancy Yu
Jan 19
Jesus Christ, Our High Priest Forever
1. Begin the year with a healthy fear
2.Begin the year with a healthy confidence
3. Jesus is the supreme high priest
4. Jesus sympathizes with your suffering
Johnson Chiu
Jan 12