Series: The Holy Spirit and Social Upheaval
Series: The Supremacy of Christ
Praise God for His Protection
1. God protects us for our good and His purposes
2. God protects us from the evil intent of others
3. God protects us from enemies and leads us to safety and peace
Johnson Chiu
December 27
Praise God for His Providence
1. Wise men seek the King of the Jews in order to worship Him
2. Herod is alerted of a king and is greatly troubled
3. Prophecies foretell of the Christ and where He will be born
4. The wise men are miraculously led to Jesus and worship Him with gifts
5. Providentially led to Jesus, the wise men are instructed to return home another way
Johnson Chiu
December 20
Praise God for His Sacrifice
1. A miraculous virgin birth indicated Jesus was destined for a special purpose
2. An upright man, Joseph only wanted to do what was right
3. An angel indicates His Name and life mission
4. The obedience and willingness of Joseph to God pointed to Jesus as the Savior
Johnson Chiu
December 13
Praise God for His Grace
1. The genealogies of Jesus prove He had a right to be king of Israel
2. Through each era of history, God is working to bring about His will
3. God’s grace included four outcasts in the godly lineage
4. God’s favor chose an unlikely woman to bear the Savior
Johnson Chiu
December 6
Thank God for Inviting Us Into His Mission
1. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus
2. The authority of Jesus is given from Jesus to His church
3. “Go” in the Name and authority of Christ
4. Concentrate on the commands Christ has for you to accomplish
Johnson Chiu
November 29
Thank God for His Timing
1. When you are targeted by evil, know that God is still sovereign
2. God is good even when you are going through the bad
3. The big picture matters especially when we want to focus on the immediate
4. Thank God for the good that results from evil
Johnson Chiu
November 22
Thank God for Family
1. Thank God! You are no longer on the outside but now belong and on the inside
2. Thank God! God’s house is based on the Cornerstone, the leader, Jesus Christ
3. Thank God! Together, we grow into the temple of God
4. Thank God! Together, the Body of Christ is designed to house the Presence of God
Johnson Chiu
November 15
Thank God for Difficulties
1. Learn to give thanks for all difficulties
2. Dealing with difficulties brings us to the point of seeking godly wisdom
3. Difficulties can either poison you or it can position you for greater blessing
4. Know that your difficulties ultimately bring about good if we trust God through our trials
Johnson Chiu
November 1
Walking as People Who Reflect Jesus
1. Speaking to God about people
2. Speaking to people about God
3. Friends along the journey
Johnson Chiu
October 25
Walking as Jesus’ People
1. Now that you are in Christ, adorn yourself with new available covering
2. Jesus Christ lives in you to remake your relationships
a. In your marriage
b. Between parents and children
c. While at work
Johnson Chiu
October 18
Set Your Mind On Things Above
1. Setting our minds on the things above
2. Put to death what is earthly in you
3. Put off the old self- take it off like a garment
4. Put on the new self
5. Christ is all and in all
William Liao
October 11
Walking in Freedom in Christ
1. Beware of legalistic pressure to conform especially in a religious setting
2. Beware of legalistic pressure to minimize your worth and joy
3. Walk in the freedom Christ has won for you
4. If you live within legalistic worldly expectations, you will be enslaved within them
Johnson Chiu
October 4
Jesus is Lord Over Our Lives
1. Our goal remains Jesus Christ
2. Actions of a true follower of Jesus Christ
3. How you were made complete in Jesus Christ
Johnson Chiu
September 27
Jesus is Over All
1. The supremacy of Christ over everything
2. The supremacy of Christ and why it matters to you
3. The supremacy of Christ made known through Paul
Johnson Chiu
September 20
Reasons for Thanksgiving and Prayer
1. You are blessed because the gospel has come to you
2. You received the gospel and it bears good fruit
3. Prayers for your future growth
4. Be confident of your spiritual reality
Johnson Chiu
September 13
Social Upheaval for the Love of Christ
1. Commitment to Christ regardless of death threats
2. Paul arrested in the temple
3. Paul testifies before the people
4. Paul before the Roman Tribune
5. Paul before the council
Johnson Chiu
August 30
The Gospel Confronts Death
1. Eutychus brought back from death
2. Hurrying on the way to Jerusalem
3. Paul speaks to the Ephesian elders regarding death threats
4. Paul’s tearful farewell
Johnson Chiu
August 23
Spiritual Power Encounters in Ephesus
1. The gospel breaks into the powers of darkness in Ephesus
2. Authority of Christ over mysticism and magic
3. Overturning culture and idols in Ephesus
Johnson Chiu
August 16
Challenging Idols
1. Social upheaval in Thessalonica
2. The proclamation of the gospel confronts culture in Berea
3. Confronting idols in Athens
4. Confronting false gods in the Areopagus
Johnson Chiu
August 9
The Jerusalem Council Makes It Official
1. The Controversy: Can Gentiles truly be saved if they do not first become good Jews?
2. The Jerusalem Council: Peter makes the case regarding how God has dealt with Gentiles
3. James’ recommendation to the Jewish believers
4. The Verdict: Justification is possible through Jesus without any extra work!
Johnson Chiu
August 2
God is not in Lockdown
1. Right where God wants us in 2020
2. Fruits of the Spirit when the world is fired up or locked down
3. Drop the pieces and embrace Jesus
4. Passing the baton
John Tuggy
July 26
The Gospel and Racial Equality
1.God is already at work among the Gentiles
2.Breaking Jewish law, Peter’s vision becomes reality as he meets Cornelius
3. Even more confirmation, the Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles
4. As Peter testifies, the Church recognizes Gentile believers
Johnson Chiu
July 19
Are We There Yet?
1. “Time” increases the severity of the trial
a. Isaiah’s faithfulness unto death
2.The blessings in trusting the Lord amid trials
a. Short term trials
b. Long term trials
Pastor Hongjie Yu
July 12
Truth and Consequences
1. When God reigns, His kingdom touches earth
2. The lie could not be tolerated because it undermined the unity of the Body, their core mission and God Himself
3.Sometimes, the justice of God comes sooner rather than later
4. God purified His church so it may continue to grow
Johnson Chiu
July 05