8/30 to 9/1
Hongjie Yu, Ernest Waldvogel, Timothy Waldvogel, Timothy Liang, Manchild Yu, David Bales
Combined Meeting #1 Hongjie Yu 8/30 Friday
Combined Meeting #2 Ernest Waldvogel 8/31 Saturday
Combined Meeting #3 Hongjie Yu 9/1 Sunday
Combined Meeting #4 Ernest Waldvogel 9/1 Sunday
English Meeting #1 Ernest Waldvogel 8/31 Saturday
English Meeting #2 Ernest Waldvogel 8/31 Saturday
English Workshop #1 Tim Waldvogel 8/31 Saturday
English Workshop #2 David Bales 9/1 Sunday
Dear brothers & sisters, peace in the Lord!
Praise the Lord! It is Jesus who loves us and governs the autonomous governance of God's house, allowing us to have a share in the eternal construction work of the Triune God in this brief life! Hallelujah! This year's SVCA Labor Day Conference will be held from August 30 to September 1 at our church, with combined sessions, Chinese-speaking gatherings, and English-speaking gatherings available both onsite and for online streaming. Let us come together with eager hearts to receive, believing that the Lord will do greater things among us this year—the latter glory of this temple shall be greater than the former!
Building on last year's theme of "Come, let us rise up and build together!" This year's special meeting theme is "Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God!" (Psalm 87:3). Through this theme and this year's special meeting, we pray that the Lord opens our eyes to see the abundant glory of the inheritance God desires for His saints. We consider it a great privilege and blessing to live in such a time, chosen by God to personally participate in His work, exchanging this life for eternity. Like the people responding to Nehemiah's calling, saying, "Let us rise up and build!" (Nehemiah 2:18).
To prepare brothers and sisters for this year's special meeting, we will also initiate "40 Days of Prayer and Watch for Church Building and LDC" starting from July 22nd (Monday). We hope the entire church, young and old alike, can become a mighty army of prayer, united in praying for all aspects of the church: personal lives, marriages and families, gospel ministries, mutual care, unity, nurturing the next generation, building facilities, and more. Together, let us come before the Lord, hoping that even before the special meeting begins, we may be built up together and participate in building, experiencing breakthroughs and renewal brought by the mighty power of God through prayer!
Furthermore, we also hope that brothers and sisters from every district and every small group, and those who are from out-of-town will all have wonderful bonding and fellowship. In this “gathering on the mountain”, let us serve each other, encourage each other, renew our strengths through the Lord, and become the builders of God’s glorious home together!
May God bless this conference, and bestow grace upon His children!
(Updated as of 8/30)